Lab members
Andrew Altieri Assistant Professor at University of Florida Research Associate at Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst. Adjunct Professor at McGill University CV Google scholar page Contact |
Beatriz Marin Diaz
UF EES Postdoctoral Research Associate Seagrass ecology and restoration Co-advised with Christine Angelini (UF) Google scholar Research gate |
Graduate students
Visiting scientists
Diana Chin (2020-2023), Associate Research Scientist and MassBays Metro Boston Regional Coordinator,
Northeastern University
Maggie Johnson (2016-2019), Assistant Professor, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology
Matt Leray (2016-2018), Staff Scientists, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Kirsteen MacKenzie (2016-2017), Researcher, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Laura Núñez Pons (2016-2017), Faculty, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
Janina Seemann (2015-2017), Manager, International Climate Initiative, Ministry of Environment, Germany
Erica Staaterman (2015-2017), Scientist, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Brian Cheng (2014-2017), Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst
Lisa Schile (2014-2016), Senior Associate, Silvestrum Climate Associates
Grad students
Sara Swaminathan (PhD, 2024), Postdoc, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean sciences
Patrick Saldaña (PhD, 2024), Postdoc, University of Florida
Kathryn Grabowski (MSc, 2023), McGill University
Nicole Knight (PhD, 2023), Postdoc, University of British Columbia
Heather Stewart (PhD, 2021), Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Caitie Kuempel (MSc, 2013), Lecturer, Griffith University
Research fellows and visiting scholars
Juliana Angarita, Director, Talking Oceans Foundation
Abigail Cannon, Postdoc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Diana Chin, Postdoc, University of Florida
Robert Dunn, Postdoc, San Diego State University
Clare Fieseler, PhD student, UNC Chapel Hill
Viktoria Frühling, Panamanian Embassy to Sweden
Austin Gallagher, Director, Beneath the Waves
Seamus Harrison, MSc student, University of Michigan
Irene Kopelman, Independent artist
Lauren Linsmayer, Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, Sea Grant
Hannah Nelson, PhD student, UC Davis
Bryan Nguyen, PhD student, George Washington University
Victoria Reed, MSc student, McGill University
Andria Salas, Postdoc, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Andrew Sellers, Postdoc, McGill University
Undergraduates and interns
Kelsey Andux
Julius Bright Ross
Amanda Chiachi
Kathryn Cooney
Nilka Gissette Góndola
Natalie Goetz
Cindy Gonzalez
Emily Griffiths
Gwen Griffiths
Alyssa Guariniello
Samantha Hamilton
Michael Hynes
Abbigail Knipp
Myra Knowles
Giovanna Kupiec
Scott Loranger
Marietta Marroquin
Alina Maruniak
Robyn Mast
Collin McMillan
Lyle McMillan
Nicte-Ha Muñoz
Lyle McMillan
Carl Nellbring
Emily Nixon
Shevonne O’Connor
Tanya Rogers
Elaine Shen
Genevieve Tucker
Nicholas Varley
Alexandra Yingst
Diana Chin (2020-2023), Associate Research Scientist and MassBays Metro Boston Regional Coordinator,
Northeastern University
Maggie Johnson (2016-2019), Assistant Professor, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology
Matt Leray (2016-2018), Staff Scientists, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Kirsteen MacKenzie (2016-2017), Researcher, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Laura Núñez Pons (2016-2017), Faculty, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
Janina Seemann (2015-2017), Manager, International Climate Initiative, Ministry of Environment, Germany
Erica Staaterman (2015-2017), Scientist, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Brian Cheng (2014-2017), Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst
Lisa Schile (2014-2016), Senior Associate, Silvestrum Climate Associates
Grad students
Sara Swaminathan (PhD, 2024), Postdoc, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean sciences
Patrick Saldaña (PhD, 2024), Postdoc, University of Florida
Kathryn Grabowski (MSc, 2023), McGill University
Nicole Knight (PhD, 2023), Postdoc, University of British Columbia
Heather Stewart (PhD, 2021), Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Caitie Kuempel (MSc, 2013), Lecturer, Griffith University
Research fellows and visiting scholars
Juliana Angarita, Director, Talking Oceans Foundation
Abigail Cannon, Postdoc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Diana Chin, Postdoc, University of Florida
Robert Dunn, Postdoc, San Diego State University
Clare Fieseler, PhD student, UNC Chapel Hill
Viktoria Frühling, Panamanian Embassy to Sweden
Austin Gallagher, Director, Beneath the Waves
Seamus Harrison, MSc student, University of Michigan
Irene Kopelman, Independent artist
Lauren Linsmayer, Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, Sea Grant
Hannah Nelson, PhD student, UC Davis
Bryan Nguyen, PhD student, George Washington University
Victoria Reed, MSc student, McGill University
Andria Salas, Postdoc, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Andrew Sellers, Postdoc, McGill University
Undergraduates and interns
Kelsey Andux
Julius Bright Ross
Amanda Chiachi
Kathryn Cooney
Nilka Gissette Góndola
Natalie Goetz
Cindy Gonzalez
Emily Griffiths
Gwen Griffiths
Alyssa Guariniello
Samantha Hamilton
Michael Hynes
Abbigail Knipp
Myra Knowles
Giovanna Kupiec
Scott Loranger
Marietta Marroquin
Alina Maruniak
Robyn Mast
Collin McMillan
Lyle McMillan
Nicte-Ha Muñoz
Lyle McMillan
Carl Nellbring
Emily Nixon
Shevonne O’Connor
Tanya Rogers
Elaine Shen
Genevieve Tucker
Nicholas Varley
Alexandra Yingst